Edit your DAO

You can edit your DAO, from the entrance "My DAO", to differentiate your personalized DAO space from others’. The steps below are suggested:

Personalized profile

Click "Edit DAO", you can edit content below:

  • DAO Name

  • DAO Avatar

  • DAO Cover

  • DAO Description

You do not need to pay for the Gas fee when edit your DAO.

Conditions for joining a DAO

Click "Join Conditions", you can choose the conditions that members must satisfy when joining your DAO as below:

  • All users are allowed to join

  • At least one NFT ticket is needed to join

Each NFT can be testified for only once. The testified NFT can still be used to exchange, but it will lose the qualification for joining a new DAO.


The tokenomic is the flow-distribution principle for tokens, NFTs in Web 3.0 world. A proper tokenomic progress includes mint, flow, distribute, and destroy etc.,.

Only the proportion of earning-distribution for NFT is supported in the first version.

  • NFT Owner

20% by default

  • NFT Distributor

20% by default

  • DAO Treasury

55% by default

  • Platform Fee

5%, cannot be modified

Gas fee is needed when editing earning-distribution proportion, the exchange after edition would be processed based on the new principle.

Last updated